Article: Viewpoints
March 15th, 2020 | A Viewpoint by David Roberts, WPJA Administrator
The Definition of Elopement: Traditional and Modern Dictionary lexicographers may have a problem with the evolving meaning of the word “elope” right now, but the Wedding... Read more
November 30th, 2018 | A Viewpoint by David Roberts, WPJA Administrator
There's a troubling trend among hashtags — and I fear photographers in my own industry may be among the worst offenders. Read more
November 29th, 2018 | A Viewpoint by David Roberts, WPJA Administrator
Members Judging Members? With regards to members judging members in photography competitions, we have always believed the temptation of favoritism would be far too great. Read more
November 10th, 2018 | A Viewpoint by David Roberts, WPJA Administrator
1. Authenticity As wedding photojournalists, we measure ourselves against our ability to capture moments in space and time. It therefore follows that we do not create such moments nor... Read more