Real Weddings at Celeiro Quintal

A Farm and Barn Wedding Venue - Celeiro Quintal, Sao Paulo
"The Backyard Barn is inspired by weddings from American farms and sheds (Farmweddings and Barweddings).
You don't have to escape the city to get married in an amazing, wedding-looking setting in the countryside, farm, and barn.
We created the Backyard Barn, located in the Pinheiros neighborhood, for sophisticated, cool and informed grooms.
We are the counterculture of the marriage market.
We designed a project with its own style and independent of everything that already exists. We believe in free love, but we are funny when it comes to working.
We are purposely stripped by harmoniously blending the old with the new.
We are contemporary nomads panning for experiences, plays, and art around the world.
We bring old and valuable luggage with innovative concepts.
We like people, not things.
Anyway, we promote love (not war).
We have a capacity of 90 up to 320 guests.
Our party is complete and VIP.
We offer 4 types of menus (Hype, Folk, Gypsy, and Indie) executed by the renowned Divani Gastronomy Buffet.
Our sweets and cakes are fresh and made on the day of the event by the creative and original Soul Sweet.
The decoration is handmade and heart by Lamore & Co.
Who creates the vibe of the party is the experienced and versatile DJ Hermes Pinna.
And to end the party nothing better than the perfect well married Ana Cristina.
In addition, we offer all the exclusive furniture and a complete team with tradition to serve with affection.
So get ready because the best is yet to come."