wedding Wedding Photographers

Yvelines (78) , France

Ludovic Schuver

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Wedding photographer Ludovic Schuver of Yvelines (78) , France was awarded by the Artistic Guild of the WPJA for this creative wedding photograph.

The Artistic Guild of the Wedding Photojournalist Association has awarded Yvelines (78) , France wedding photographer Ludovic Schuver for outstanding and creative wedding photography at Yvelines.

The most artistic and creative wedding photographers around the world enter their images in the AG WPJA photography competitions because they appreciate having the opportunity to have their work recognized by our judges.

East Riding of Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Patrick Mateer

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Wedding photographer Patrick Mateer of East Riding of Yorkshire, United Kingdom was awarded by the Artistic Guild of the WPJA for this creative wedding photograph.

The Artistic Guild of the Wedding Photojournalist Association has awarded East Riding of Yorkshire, United Kingdom wedding photographer Patrick Mateer for outstanding and creative wedding photography at The Round Chapel, Hackney, London.

The most artistic and creative wedding photographers around the world enter their images in the AG WPJA photography competitions because they appreciate having the opportunity to have their work recognized by our judges.

East Riding of Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Patrick Mateer

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Wedding photographer Patrick Mateer of East Riding of Yorkshire, United Kingdom was awarded by the Artistic Guild of the WPJA for this creative wedding photograph.

The Artistic Guild of the Wedding Photojournalist Association has awarded East Riding of Yorkshire, United Kingdom wedding photographer Patrick Mateer for outstanding and creative wedding photography at The Round Chapel, Hackney.

The most artistic and creative wedding photographers around the world enter their images in the AG WPJA photography competitions because they appreciate having the opportunity to have their work recognized by our judges.

Oise (60) , France

Charly Fromentin

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Wedding photographer Charly Fromentin of Oise (60) , France was awarded by the Artistic Guild of the WPJA for this creative wedding photograph.

The Artistic Guild of the Wedding Photojournalist Association has awarded Oise (60) , France wedding photographer Charly Fromentin for outstanding and creative wedding photography at Domaine de Bouchegnies.

The most artistic and creative wedding photographers around the world enter their images in the AG WPJA photography competitions because they appreciate having the opportunity to have their work recognized by our judges.

Haute-Garonne (31) , France

Nicolas Issaly

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Wedding photographer Nicolas Issaly of Haute-Garonne (31) , France was awarded by the Artistic Guild of the WPJA for this creative wedding photograph.

The Artistic Guild of the Wedding Photojournalist Association has awarded Haute-Garonne (31) , France wedding photographer Nicolas Issaly for outstanding and creative wedding photography at Château de Goudourville.

The most artistic and creative wedding photographers around the world enter their images in the AG WPJA photography competitions because they appreciate having the opportunity to have their work recognized by our judges.

Illinois, United States

Sarah Nader

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Wedding photographer Sarah Nader of Illinois, United States was awarded by the Artistic Guild of the WPJA for this creative wedding photograph.

The Artistic Guild of the Wedding Photojournalist Association has awarded Illinois, United States wedding photographer Sarah Nader for outstanding and creative wedding photography at Ewing Manor in Bloomington, IL.

The most artistic and creative wedding photographers around the world enter their images in the AG WPJA photography competitions because they appreciate having the opportunity to have their work recognized by our judges.

Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Andreas Pollok

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Wedding photographer Andreas Pollok of Baden-Württemberg, Germany was awarded by the Artistic Guild of the WPJA for this creative wedding photograph.

The Artistic Guild of the Wedding Photojournalist Association has awarded Baden-Württemberg, Germany wedding photographer Andreas Pollok for outstanding and creative wedding photography at Bamberg.

The most artistic and creative wedding photographers around the world enter their images in the AG WPJA photography competitions because they appreciate having the opportunity to have their work recognized by our judges.

Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Andreas Pollok

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Wedding photographer Andreas Pollok of Baden-Württemberg, Germany was awarded by the Artistic Guild of the WPJA for this creative wedding photograph.

The Artistic Guild of the Wedding Photojournalist Association has awarded Baden-Württemberg, Germany wedding photographer Andreas Pollok for outstanding and creative wedding photography at Hambacher Schloss.

The most artistic and creative wedding photographers around the world enter their images in the AG WPJA photography competitions because they appreciate having the opportunity to have their work recognized by our judges.

Genova, Italy

Julian Kanz

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Wedding photographer Julian Kanz of Genova, Italy was awarded by the Artistic Guild of the WPJA for this creative wedding photograph.

The Artistic Guild of the Wedding Photojournalist Association has awarded Genova, Italy wedding photographer Julian Kanz for outstanding and creative wedding photography at Florence, Italy First Dance.

The most artistic and creative wedding photographers around the world enter their images in the AG WPJA photography competitions because they appreciate having the opportunity to have their work recognized by our judges.

Moselle (57) , France

Jonathan Fortuna

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Wedding photographer Jonathan Fortuna of Moselle (57) , France was awarded by the Artistic Guild of the WPJA for this creative wedding photograph.

The Artistic Guild of the Wedding Photojournalist Association has awarded Moselle (57) , France wedding photographer Jonathan Fortuna for outstanding and creative wedding photography at Moselle Couple Jumping.

The most artistic and creative wedding photographers around the world enter their images in the AG WPJA photography competitions because they appreciate having the opportunity to have their work recognized by our judges.