Wedding Photos of Rio de Janeiro engagement picture

The following “Rio de Janeiro engagement picture” images were created by documentary wedding photographers from the WPJA, who regularly submit their best candid moments, artistic portraits, details, and scene setters for review by our WPJA competition judges.


Some of the “Rio de Janeiro engagement picture” marriage photography samples below may have come from the getting ready events, the actual wedding ceremony, the reception after-party, an engagement session with the couple, or possibly be artistic portraits or detail shots.

FINE ART WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY: Our Artistic Guild award winners take a more creative approach to wedding day Portraits and use their innovative skills to capture the Details of each couple’s special day. The Artistic Guild’s Scene Setters are some of the most notable and breathtaking from within the artistic WPJA contest categories. Playing with light and shadow, special effects, and post-production editing, these images embrace the artistic component of wedding photography.

PRE-WEDDING ENGAGEMENT PHOTOGRAPHY: The story of every couple starts long before the wedding day, and the engagement marks one of the most important milestones in their story. Engaged couples often want to celebrate the occasion and announce their upcoming wedding with a photoshoot. Pre-wedding portraits of an engaged couple can be just as moving and compelling as the images taken on the wedding day. Engagement portraits can win a Diamond Award, an exclusive WPJA award whose winner is selected from the best engagement photography in the world.

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Parque Lage - RJ/Rio de Janeiro pre-wedding photos at a secret place
Parque Lage - RJ/Rio de Janeiro pre-wedding photos at a secret place
Hand in hand they run down the sidewalk next to a stone building with sunlight during their engagement portrait session in Rio de Janeiro
Hand in hand they run down the sidewalk next to a stone building with sunlight during their engagement portrait session in Rio de Janeiro
Lens flare in the warm sun in Rio de Janeiro provide us with a dramatic engagement portrait
Lens flare in the warm sun in Rio de Janeiro provide us with a dramatic engagement portrait